Roast Canada Goose
• Soak goose overnight, adding 1/3 C. salt and 3TBS baking soda.
• Dry well and lightly season cavity with salt and pepper. Fill cavity with your favorite stuffing (my
favorite is a potato/bread mixture with summer savory and sage added to sautéed onions in butter). You
will not find this stuffing recipe at Weight Watchers.
• Brush goose with a mixture of olive oil and butter, then season with salt and ground pepper (I also like
to lightly add a mixture of garlic and onion powder).
• Cook goose for approximately 90 minutes at 400F, in a very tight roaster
containing at least 1 in. of water. This will steam roast the bird (the big secret) and it is important to not
remove the cover during this time.
• Remove the cover, baste the bird and then "brown" it for approximately 20-30 minutes.
• The drippings make an excellent gravy.
The above recipe refers to a goose that would dress out at approximately 6-7 pounds. Remember of
course that a stuffed bird takes longer to cook.